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优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 A STUDY ON CAN XUE’S LITERARY CONCEPTION Ren Tingting(Theory of Literature and Art) Abstract:In Can Xues writing, people can feel unique themes, artistic characteristics, and aesthetic pursuit. It is widely believed that an absurd world is described and the soul is expressed, through her heart-oriented writing style. Her care about Chinas literature ecology is derived from the reference of famous foreign writers. As compared with the others writers of the age, Can Xue has her unique artistic characteristics and technique of expression. Her fable type dual structure in the writing can only be expressed via vertical writing method, and can only be understood via vertical reading. Can Xue is considered to be the pioneer writer and she is writing in a manner of new experiment - This shows her resist to claustrophobia, and her description of soul. The whole article is composed of three parts, which are created from creation theory, method theory and essentialism respectively. The first part studies Can Xues create view, and discusses the expression of inner heart, external presentation and the coordination of literature criticism and literature creation. The second part discusses the artistic characteristics of Can Xues articles, talking about her way of expression, structure and reading approach, which provides support to the further analysis of her articles. The third part focuses on her literature idea, literature position and her aesthetic pursuit. Key Words:Can Xue; Avant-garden; Longitudinal Writing and Reading; “New Experimental” Literature PAGE PAGE 1 第一章 引言 我们生活在经验世界里,残雪似乎为我们敞开先验世界的大门。 穿过黄泥街来到五香街,看苍老的浮云聆听天堂里的对话;布谷鸟叫的那一 瞬间,种在走廊上的苹果树,是否正经历美丽南方之夏日那辉煌的日子?阅读过 小说集、自选集的人们,进行的思想汇报是否想做一次突围表演?在放着绣花鞋 的奇异的木板房外,倾听蚊子与山歌的吟唱;松明老师在解爱情魔方,长发的遭 遇其实只是单身女人琐事纪实,暗夜里看天空里的蓝光是最后的情人的双重生 活;末世爱情已经到来,你是否看到黑暗灵魂的舞蹈?斯大林晚年离奇事件,或 许包含传说中的宝藏的秘密?? 不仅如此,谈笑间,她似乎搀扶着大师与我们一道前行。 城堡里走来了卡夫卡,博尔赫斯并非是地狱的独行者,温柔的编织工置身绝 境的操练,似乎只是为了艺术复仇?? 残雪以先锋文学的主将的身份步入文坛,至今仍然在坚持“新实验”写作。 独特的人生经历,为她提供了众多的创作素材;基



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