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矿基掺合料在制备高强和超高强混凝土中的可行性进行了探讨。试验结果表明: 富硅铁尾矿粉可替代石英粉用于制备 C80 级预应力高强混凝土管桩;TSBC 和原 状铁尾矿砂具有制备超高强活性粉末混凝土的可行性;富硅铁尾矿基掺合料可 用于制备强度等级为 C60~C80 的高强轨枕预制混凝土或泵送混凝土。 关键字:富硅铁尾矿粉;胶凝活性;活化;微磨球效应;应用
The cumulative storage of tailings currently has surpassed 10 billion ton and been the largest industrial solid waste in China. And the storage of iron tailings accounts for nearly 1/3 total tailings storage, while its comprehensive utilization rate is less than 20%. In recent years, as the similar chemical and mineral composition with building materials, iron tailings have been used for preparing building materials.However, its use in building materials and production of high value-added products are greatly limited, because of its low chemical activity and increasingly fine particle size with the improvement of beneficiation technology.Therefore, the research on activity improvement technology of iron tailings and preparation of iron tailings based cementitious material and composite mineral admixtures was carried out, moreover, the feasibility of using iron tailings to prepare high-performance concrete was also discussed.
Firstly, the concept of 28d activity index and compressive strength contribution rate(value) introduction were quoted to study the activity improvement technology of
iron tailings.Moreover, the test of infrared spectroscopy(IR)、mercury porosimetry
(MIP)、X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM) were used to analyze its activity mechanism.The results show that mechanical grinding helps to improve the cementitious activity of silicon-rich iron tailings,however,continuing griding has little influence on its activity improvement when the fineness reaches certain degree. And the best specific surface area and dosage of iron tailings respectively are 750m2/kg,at which its 28d activity index is 69%, and 20%; External thermal activation(heat curing), among which autoclave curing is the most effective means
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