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A narrative work is take author’S life experience as a zero point,forms a narrative world in the angle of view turnover.Therefore,the angle of view behind is the author why does want SO”to regard”to the world”the point of view”.This article by the time through following three chapters content,expounds between the narrative angle of view and the creation point of view relations,thus draws own conclusion,namely the narrative angle of view choice first is the author to dodges with measuring which
enters the stage.
First chapter narrative angle of view for what reason but.This chapter mainly through conceals the author concept the analysis,as well as the angle of view significance elaboration,emphasizes the angle of view the establishment not only the reason in the author contemplation life angle,moreover also depends on between
artistic and the actual life distance which holds in this kind ofcontemplation.
Second chapter narrative angle of view choice and creation point of view.This chapter mainly through tO each kind of narrative work analysis,with redeems in the strength,the dialogue trial as well as the alone language fight four aspects from the retum which,instead satirizes?between the concrete elaboration narrative angle of view choice and the creation point ofview relations,looked the author reflected in the angle of view choice一,between art and the actual life the distance either far or is near, enlarges with reduces,the retum to original state and the distortion,carries on in one
whole to author’S creation point of view the contemplation.
Third chapter author self-dodging with enters the stage.This chapter is to a full text summary,through to the narrative angle of view and the creation point of view relations exploration,will narrate the activity to bring into line with pondered to the thought or in the spiritual development principle road,we might discover,the angle of view choice reflected the author to has dodged with measuring which will
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