高教社Geology Applied to Civil Engineering 土木工程地质教学课件13 第十章 Geologic problems in foundation engineering.pptx
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西南交通大学10 Geologic problems in foundation engineering Geology Applied to Civil Engineering
123contentsBearing capacity of foundationGround improvementTypes of failure in soil4Case studies2
31 Types of failure in soil(1) General shear failureThe foundation is loaded by a strip footing with the width of B. The dimension perpendicular to the plane of the paper will be taken as unit, but all motion is supposed in the plane. Now, if the average pressure q is gradually applied to the foundation, settlement will increase. At a certain point ,when the load per unit area equals qu the foundation will undergo sudden shear failure. In addition, the failure surface in the soil will extend to the ground surface. This load per unit area is usually referred to the ultimate bearing capacity. When such sudden failure in soil takes place, it is called general shear failure.Nature of bearing capacity failure in soil: (a) general shear failure
1 Types of failure in soil(2) Local shear failureIf the same foundation is now supported by a medium compressibility material, the plot of q vs. settlement will be different. Note that the magnitude of q increases with settlement up to q= qu(1), which is usually referred to the first failure load. However, if the load on the foundation is further increased, the load-settlement curve proceeds in almost a linear manner along with the gradual progress of the failure surface in soil. When q increases to qu, the failure surface extends up to ground surface. Beyond that, the plot of q vs. settlement takes a linear shape and a peak load is never observed. Nature of bearing capacity failure in soil: (b) local shear failure4
1 Types of failure in soil(3) Punching shear failureIf the foundation is supported by a fairly loose soil, the load–settlement plot will be as the following figure. In this case, the failure surface in soil will not extend to the ground surface. Beyond the ultimate failure load, the load–settlement plot will be steep and practically li
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