半导体制造技术导论(第二版)萧宏 第7章 等离子体工艺.pptx

半导体制造技术导论(第二版)萧宏 第7章 等离子体工艺.pptx

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2023/4/211第7章 等离子体工艺 本章主要内容 7.3 等离子体系统 7.2 等离子体参数 7.5 本章小结 7.1 等离子体基本概念 7.4 等离子体工艺 27.1 等离子体基本概念 等离子体的用途 等离子体的产生 本节主要内容 何为等离子体 3 何为等离子体—定义What Is Plasma? (什么是等离子体)A plasma(等离子体) is a ionized gas(离化的气体) with equal numbers of positive and negative chargesA more precise definition(更准确的定义): a plasma is a quasi-neutral gas (准中性的气体) of charged(带电的) and neutral(中性的) particles which exhibits collective behavior(集体行为). 4 何为等离子体—成分 A plasma(等离子体) consists of neutral(中性的) atoms(原子) or molecules(分子), negative charges (electrons) and positive charges (ions) Quasi-neutral(准中性): ni ≈ ne Ionization rate(离化率): ne/(ne + nn) 5Ionization Rate(离化率)Ionization rate(离化率) is mainly determined(决定) by electron energy in plasma(等离子体)Plasma processing chambers(等离子体工艺反应室), the ionization rate(离化率) is less than 0.001%.Plasma etching chambers(等离子体刻蚀反应室), the ionization rate(离化率) is about 0.01%.High density plasma (e.g., ICP感应耦合等离子体, ECR电子回旋共振), the ionization rate is about 1% ~ 5%. 何为等离子体—离化率 6等离子体的用途Applications of Plasma(等离子体用途) CVD(化学气相淀积) Etch(刻蚀) PVD(物理气相淀积) Ion Implantation(离子注入) Photoresist strip(剥离光刻胶) Process chamber dry clean(工艺反应室干式清洗) 7Collision (碰撞)Ionization(离化)Excitation-Relaxation (激发—松弛)Dissociation (分解)……等离子体的产生—碰撞 8Ionization (离化)Electron collides(碰撞) with neutral(中性的) atom (原子) or molecule(分子)Knock out(击出) one of orbital electron(轨道电子)等离子体的产生—离化 9Ionization (离化)等离子体的产生—离化(自由电子)(轨道电子)(自由电子)(原子核)(原子核) 10Excitation-Relaxation (激发—松弛)Different atoms(原子) or molecules(分子) have difference frequencies(频率), that is why different gases have different glow(发光) colors. The change of the glow (发光) colors is used for etch and chamber clean process endpoint(终结点).等离子体的产生—激发松弛 11Excitation Collision (激发碰撞)(原子核)(原子核)(碰撞电子)(碰撞电子)(基态电子)(激发态电子)等离子体的产生—激发松弛 12Relaxation (松弛)(激发态)(基态)可见光UV(普朗克常数)等离子体的产生—激发松弛 13等离子体的产生—分解Dissociation (分解) Electron collides(碰撞) with a molecule(分子), it can break the chemical bond(化学键) and generate free radicals(?自由基): Increasing chemical re


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