第二单元PPT 大学生综合英语.ppt

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第二单元PPT 大学生综合英语

;;;2. Grecian Formula 希腊乌发液 Grecian Formula, first introduced in 1961, is a popular mens hair coloring product in the United States. It is available as a clear liquid, cream and foam. One of the product’s main features is that it works gradually, so the color change is not as noticeable as with dye products. Some of the drawbacks are that it doesn’t work well with facial hair, and it must be used daily for the first week or two, which some people find inconvenient. 希腊乌发液,最早生产于1961年,是美国生产的一种流行的男士染发品。呈液体状,膏状或泡沫状。产品的主要特征之一是其乌发效果是渐进的,不同于一般染发剂立竿见影。由于对面部毛发无效,且要连续使用一到两周,一些人认为其不够方便。;3. Middle age 中年 Middle age is usually considered to be from around 40 to 60. Many people in their 30s do not want to become middle-aged, because when you are 40, your are no longer considered to be young, and middle-aged people are often thought of by younger people as boring and old-fashioned in their attitudes and way of life. 40岁左右至60岁左右这一年龄段通常被认为是中年期。许多30出头的人都不愿进入中年,因为一旦进入中年,别人就不会把你当作年轻人看了。而且年轻人又往往觉得你处世态度和生活方式缺乏情趣,跟不上时代。;;·Delay /di’lei/ v. 1,make sth. late or make 使延误,使耽搁,使迟到 Eg: Thousands of commuters were delayer for over an hour. 数千名乘车上下班的人被耽搁了一个多小时。 The government is accused of using delaying tactics. 政府被指责故意采取拖延战术。 2,to not do sth. until a later time or to make sth happen at a later time 延迟,延期,推迟 Eg:She is suffering a delayed reaction。 她正在承受着冲击所带来的滞后反应。 Don’t delay——call us today! 别拖延——今天就给我们打电话! SYN:defer ;n. 1,a period of time when sb./sth. has to wait because of a problem that makes sth. Slow or late 延迟(或耽搁,拖延)的时间 Eg:Commuters will face long delays on the roads today. 路远乘车上下班的人今天要在路上耽搁很长时间了。 a delay of two hours/a tow-hour delay 两小时的延误 2,a situation in which sth does not happen when it should ;the act of delaying 延期,耽搁,延误 Eg:There is no time for delay. 没有时间了,不能再耽搁了。 Without delay = immediately 迅速,赶快 ;· Convince /kэn’vins/ v.1,to make sb. or oneself believe that sth. Is true 使确信,使相信,使信服 Eg:He’d convinced


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