生物竞赛的考点(Biology competition test site).doc

生物竞赛的考点(Biology competition test site).doc

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生物竞赛的考点(Biology competition test site)

生物竞赛的考点(Biology competition test site) 1 [Yang Sheng plants] refers to the light 1 requirements more urgent, only in sufficient light conditions can be under normal growth of plants. Yang plants are characterized by high light compensation points and growing under full sunlight. 2 [configuration] the fixed spatial arrangement of atoms in an organic molecule (configuration). This arrangement will not change without breaking and re forming covalent bonds. The change of configuration often changes the optical activity of molecules. [3] conformation (conformation) carbon atom atom (Group) in the space show numerous three-dimensional image called conformation, such as around the sigma bond generated by rotation is called conformer, isomers formed called conformational isomers. 4, the main reason for the even distribution is the competition among individuals in the population. For example, plants in the forest compete for sunlight (Shu Guan) and nutrients in the soil (rhizosphere), and plants in the desert compete for water. The secretion of toxic substances in the soil to prevent the same plant seedling growth is another reason for the formation of uniform distribution. 5 [clumped] is the most common type of internal distribution. The reason for the formation of clusters is that: Environmental resources are unevenly distributed, rich and poor; The way to make the plant seeds and their diffusion center; The social behavior of animals (attracted to each other) to combine them with each other. 6hnRNA is an immature precursor of mRNA. There are two main differences between the two: first, some fragments in the hnRNA nucleotide chain do not appear in the corresponding mRNA, these fragments are called introns (intron), The fragments that are retained in mRNA are called exons (exon). That is to say, hnRNA in the transformation process of mRNA after splicing, removed some of the fragments, the remaining fragments are re connected together; the two is the 5 end of mRNA by the add


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