
5Clinical Anatomy of Hand-骨科.ppt

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Midpalmar space and thenar space Palmar and dorsal interosseous muscles 5. Muscles of Hand Lumbrical muscles Lumbrical muscles 止于2、4、5指的近节指骨底和指背 腱膜,内收2、4、5指并屈掌指关节 和伸指间关节。 止于2、3、4指的近节指骨底和指背 腱膜,外展2、5指并屈掌指关节和 伸指间关节。 6. Fingers Palm of Finger Dorsum of Finger 7. Blood Vessels and Nerves of Hand 感谢垂听! 欢迎讨论! * AP p423 * AP p423 Clinical Anatomy of Hand Max Song (宋本才) E-Mail: Tel:Department of Anatomy, Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology 1. Bones of Hand 2. Joints of Hand 3. Wrist 4. Palm of Hand 5. Muscles of Hand 6. Fingers 7. Blood Vessels and Nerves of Hand Contents 1. Bones of Hand Anterior view Posterior view 2. Joints of Hand A. Wrist joint B. Intercarpal joints C. carpometacarpal joints D. Intermetacarpal joint E. Interphalongeal joints A. Wrist Joint also called the radiocarpal joint, because the ulna is separated from the carpal bones by a disc of fibrocartilage and the ulna is actually not bony element of this joint. Ligaments reinforcing the wrist joint It is ellipsoidal type of synovial joint. The movements of the wrist joint are flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and circumduction. There is no rotation at the wrist joint. B. Intercarpal Joints Formed by articulation between two carpal bones. Their articular cavities communicate with one another. They are plane joints. They move a little. Formed by articulation between distal 4 carpal bones and 5 metacarpal bones. Flexion and extension are allowed by these joints. C. Carpometacarpal Joints D. Carpometacarpal Joints of Thumb It is formed by the trapezium and base of 1st metacarpal bone. It is saddle type of synovial joint, and exists only in primate organism. Since trapezium rotated medially almost 90 degree, flexion and extension allowed by this joint occu


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