商务英语写作 lecture 13 paragraph(2).pptVIP

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Free template from Lesson 13 paragraph(2) Main Contents Arrangement of the sentences in the paragraph The types of paragraphs (page 105) The opening paragraph( 开篇段) The body paragraph(正文段) The concluding paragraph(结尾段) Exercises Part I. sentences and paragraphs Topic sentences Supporting sentences Concluding sentences (page 93) Essential points: tactics of translation tactics of translation 国际商务英语的文体特点: 用词专业:如价格常用术语FOB,CIF有其特定的专业内容,又如B/L提货单;L/C信用证;C.O.D货到付现;W.P.A水渍险;blue chip蓝筹股、绩优股;bad debt呆账 实用性英语:须对众多的国际业务有所了解,并且精通其中一门专业 翻译标准 truth, fluency, elegance(信达雅) Functional Equivalence(功能对等:信息(语义信息,风格信息和文化信息的对等) Exercise 语义信息对等(表层语义信息对等和深层结构信息对等) 风格信息对等 文化信息的对等 These Rules shall govern the arbitration except that where any of these Rules is in conflict with a provision(规定) of the law applicable to the arbitration from which the parties cannot derogate(贬损,偏离), that provision shall prevail. 译文:本规则应管辖仲裁,但如本规则任何条款同适用于仲裁而为当事人各方所不能背离的法律规定相抵触时,则该规定应优先适用。 深层语义结构对等 We have the edge you need to meet any financial challenge. The Principal Edge. Whatever path you take in life, you'll face financial challenges and opportunities along the way. With the Principal Financial Group, you'll have all the tools you need to handle them. Each of our financial products and services, whether for business or individuals, has its own unique advantage built in. That's the Principal Edge. Financial products that give you an edge. The Principal Financial Group Part II The types of paragraphs The opening paragraph( 开篇段) The body paragraph(正文段) The concluding paragraph(结尾段) Essential points: (108) how to write opening paragraph Exercise 106 *Unit 9 e.g. * * *Unit 9


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