Room on the Broom《女巫的扫帚(2012)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Room on the Broom《女巫的扫帚(2012)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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The witch had a cat 女巫有只猫 and a very tall hat 一顶乌黑大尖帽 And long ginger hair which she wore in a plait. 还有一头红发大长辫子。 Iggety, ziggety 天灵灵地灵灵 zaggety...zo! 神奇黑锅快显灵! How the cat purred and how the witch grinned 猫咪咕噜叫,女巫咧嘴笑 As they sat on their broomstick and flew through the wind. 两人稳坐扫帚上,轻快迎风上。 Witch. 女巫 But how the witch wailed and how the cat spat 强风劲吹,尖帽跌落。女巫呼叫,猫咪惊诧。 Down! 降落! Cried the witch and they flew to the ground. 女巫喊道,随即降落到地面。 They searched for the hat 他们到处寻找帽子 but no hat could be found. 却一无所获。 Then out of the bushes on thundering paws 传来一阵疾驰的声音 There bounded with the hat in his jaws. 跳出来一只...狗,嘴巴里衔着尖帽。 He dropped it politely 他轻轻放下 then eagerly said, As the witch pulled the hat firmly down on her head 女巫一把帽子戴稳了他又匆匆说道 I am a dog, as keen as can be... 我是一只身手敏捷的小狗,就跟... Is there room on the broom For a dog like me? 扫帚上容得下我这样的狗吗? Yes! Cried the witch. 当然! 女巫高兴说道。 and the dog clambered on. 小狗攀上扫帚。 The witch tapped the broomstick 女巫轻扣扫帚 and WHOOSH~ they were gone! 咻的一声~飞走了! Over the fields and the forests they flew. 越过田野与森林。 The dog wagged his tail and the stormy wind blew. 小狗直摇尾巴,风却不停肆虐。 The witch laughed aloud and held on to her hat. 女巫变扶稳了帽子一边大笑着。 But away blew the bow from her long ginger plait. 红发辫子上的蝴蝶结却被吹掉了。 Down! Cried the witch and they flew to the ground. 下降! 女巫一声令下,他们降到地面。 They searched for the bow. 搜寻蝴蝶结。 but no bow could be found. 一无所获。 Then out from a tree with an ear-splitting shriek. 一棵树外传来一声撕破耳膜的惨叫声。 There flapped a green bird with the bow in her beak. 一只绿色鸟儿叼着蝴蝶结扑哧飞来。 She dropped it politely and bent her head low. 她轻柔地放下也低下了头。 Then said, as the witch tied her plait in a bow. 女巫一扎好辫子,她就说道。 I... 我… I am a bird as green as can be. 我是只鸟,身披碧玉。 Is there room on the broom for a bird like me? 扫帚上能容得下我吗? YES! Cried the witch. 可以! - 女巫高兴地说。 so the bird fluttered on. 小鸟振翅飞到扫帚上。 The witch tapped the broomstick. 女巫轻扣扫帚。 A-a-a-nd W-W-WHOOOSH! They were gone. 咻的一声!他们飞走了。 Over the reeds and the rivers they flew. 越过芦苇与河流。 The bird shrieked with glee. 鸟儿


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