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LATVIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE LATVIA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL BREEDING ASSOCIATIONS OF LATVIA PROCEEDINGS OF THE TH 12 BALTIC ANIMAL BREEDING CONFERENCE JURMALA, LATVIA 27TH - 28TH APRIL 2006 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: President Dainis Rungulis – Ministry of Agriculture Deputy Head of the Agricultural Department Members Gita Jansone – Deputy Head of Division of Pedigree Breeding Ivans Vorslovs – Director of the State agency “Agricultural date centre” Erna Galvanovska – Deputy director of the State agency “Agricultural date centre” Daina Kairisa – Dean of Faculty of Agriculture SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: President Jazeps Spruzs – Prof., Dr., habil., agr., Latvia University of Agriculture Members Ziedonis Grislis - Dr., agr., Association “Zila Govs”, Latvia Daina Kairisa - Dr., agr., Latvia University of Agriculture Līga Paura - Dr., agr., Latvia University of Agriculture Ilona Miceikiene - Assoc., Prof., Dr., Lithuanian Veterinary Academy Haldja Viinalass - Prof., Dr., Estonian University, of Life Sciences Tatjana Sjakste - Dr., biol., Institute of Biology, Latvia University Ilma Tapio - Dr., MMT, Finland Ramutis Klimas - Prof., Dr., habil., Siauliai University, Lithuania The manuscripts are published after corrections made by authors. FOREWORD Agriculture is multifunctional in its nature. It encompasses much more than just cultivation of plants and rearing of animals for food. An agriculturer not just milks a cow or gathers crops from a field, he also sustains rural environment, makes image of his country more attractive and decorative. These are special environmental values that an agriculturer is giving to the society because neat and tidy environment is a national w


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