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王海燕(金陵研究院309) E-mail: hywang@ Tel: (office) Grading Attendance and classroom performance(10%) 2 quiz(20%) Mid-term(20%) Final(50%) 细胞遗传学是遗传学与细胞学相结合的一个遗传学分支学科。研究对象主要是真核生物,特别是包括人类在内的高等动植物。着重研究分离、重组、连锁、交换等遗传现象的染色体基础,以及染色体畸变和倍性变化等染色体行为的遗传学效应。 The study of chromosomes, the visible carriers of DNA, the hereditary material. Cytogenetics is a fusion science due to joining of cytology (the study of cells) with genetics (the study of inherited variation). The study of the structure, function and evolution of chromosomes chromosome behaviour during somatic and germline division Many aspects of chromosome behavior in cell division have been clarified. Whole-chromosome studies as a part of cytogenetics are having a major impact on genome-mapping projects. Understanding chromosome structure provides the means to analyze the secondary changes that occur during the processes of chromosome engineering and transformation. Molecular biology can now provide the technology for the construction of simple chromosomes. Flemming was unaware of Gregor Mendels (1822-1884) work on heredity, so he did not make the connection between his observations and genetic inheritance. Two decades would pass before the significance of Flemmings work was truly realized with the rediscovery of Mendels rules. His discovery of mitosis and chromosomes is considered one of the 100 most important scientific discoveries of all times,and one of the 10 most important discoveries in cell biology (together with August Weismanns (1834-1914) discovery of meiosis, Theodor Schwann (1810-1882) and Matthias Schleidens (1804-1881) cell theory and Thomas Hunt Morgans (1866-1945) first genetic maps). What can we see under the microscope? Microscope analysis Digital photography Karyotype analysis What is a Chromosome? chromosomes = colored bodies threadlike structures located in the cell nucleus co


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