Madame Bovary《包法利夫人(2014)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Madame Bovary《包法利夫人(2014)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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包法利夫人 一 二 三 Un. Deux. Trois. 四 五 Quatre. Cinq. 六 七 八 Six. Sept. Huit. 九 十 Neuf. Dix. 卡米尔 艾玛! 站好! Camille, Emma! En place! 上帝啊 但愿他是我的真命天子 Please God, let him be the right one. 上帝啊 但愿他是我的真命天子 Please God, let him be the right one. 上帝啊 但愿他是我的真命天子 Please God, let him be the right one. 艾玛啊... Emma... 你亲爱的母亲去世时 我落泪了 when your dear mother died, I cried. 我不知如何去抚养一个小女孩 I didnt know how to raise a little girl. 养猪? 我可以 A pig? Yes. 但是小脑袋满是想法的你 我做不到 But you, with all those ideas in your head, I could not. 夏尔 你是一个好男人 Charles, you are a good man. 一个好医生 And a good doctor. 艾玛的母亲泉下有知她有个好归宿 终将安息 Emmas mother can finally rest knowing I married her well. 这是你母亲最爱的结婚礼物 This was your mothers favorite wedding gift. 吃糖果时你就想想我们 Please think of us when you eat your sweets. 祝身体康健 Santé. - 这是亨丽埃特 - 夫人 - This is Henriette. - Madame. 你介意帮我们拿点东西吗? Would you mind helping us with some of these things? - 当然不介意 我来吧 夫人 - 谢谢你 - Of course. Let me, Madame. - Thank you. 亲爱的 怎么了? Whats the matter, dear? 这是人之常情 Its all part of nature. 我要脱掉我的衣服 I need to remove my dress. 但是我一个人脱不掉 I cannot remove it alone. 抱歉 Sorry. 睡吧 亲爱的 我不想吵醒你 Sleep, dear. I didnt want to wake you. 留下陪我 Stay with me. 病人才必须在床上寻求慰藉 医生不会 It is the patient that must find solace in the bed, never the doctor. 但是医生也是丈夫 不是吗? But all doctors are husbands too, arent they? 只有晚上才是 亲爱的 Only in the evenings, dear. 享受你的一天吧 Enjoy your day. 摆放得真美啊 夫人 Theyre beautiful, Madame. 谢谢 Thank you. - 那是用来吃的吗? - 当然 - Are those for eating? - Of course. 你摆弄这个一定花了整个下午 You must have spent all afternoon on this. 你不用这么麻烦的 You shouldnt go to such trouble. 亨丽埃特总是很快从果园摘回水果 Henriette is always quick to pick fruit from the orchard. 你更喜欢那样做吗? Is that what you would prefer? 不过习惯罢了 It is simply custom. 请上水果 Fruit, please. 今天有什么值得注意的病人吗? Any patients of note today? 有什么疑难杂症吗? Any curious ailments? 疑难杂症? Curious? 今早 一个病人需要放血 In the morning, a patient needed to be bled. 还有一个 我用蚂蝗吸血 On another, I applied leeches. 他的... 太太午餐准备了美味的蘑菇煎蛋卷 His... wife prepared me a delicious mushroom


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